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This will be a very special kind of evening, which will once again show how deeply the Fab Four are anchored in Hamburg to this day and thus have an impact across generations. Under the title "HAMBURG STOMPING GROUND GUIDE 60-61-62", the graphic artist and musician Klaus Voormann - whom we probably don't need to introduce to you any further - has published a book with his son Maximilian, which retells and illustrates their quite different view of Klaus Voormann's time together with the Beatles in Hamburg. With personal stories and anecdotes and his typical illustration style, Klaus Voormann takes us on an emotional journey through time to Hamburg in the early 1960s. Accompanied by his son, who has used a drawing pad and fineliner to illustrate the original locations from today's perspective. Thus, with artistic strokes before each chapter, he opens a time window into his father's past. This book publication now finds a new return during the COME TOGETHER EXPERIENCE: Ulf Krüger, long-time manager of Klaus Voormann and Beatles photographer Astrid Kirchherr who achieved international fame with books and exhibitions on the Beatles as well as with his research on the Hamburg period of the Beatles as part of the "Anthology" series, will create an evening of talk and stories with Maximilian Voormann at the Gruenspan. One will mentally look at all the locations, people and moments that are illustrated and described in the book. Previously untold anecdotes will be recounted, Maximilian Voormann will tell what influence his father's contact had on the entire family, while Ulf Krüger will enrich these stories with his research and deep expertise. With which they literally "bring the book to life". A "tour" of a very special kind.


Klaus Voormann Kunsthalle Lu_ neburg_Z211094_sRGB Kopie.jpg
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